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4 min read - June 12, 2024

Utilising Psychometric Assessments in Your Business - Part Three: Aren’t Psychometrics Best Used Only for Recruitment?

In today's competitive business landscape, you need every edge you can obtain to get ahead. Psychometric assessments can be a powerful tool to unlock potential, improve team dynamics, and ultimately boost your bottom line. But what exactly are psychometric assessments, and how can they benefit your business? We have created this 4-part series to give you greater insight into what they are, what we offer and how they can benefit your business – ‘better together’.

Whilst Psychometric assessments are a valuable tool in your Recruitment and Selection process, they can be equally valuable when applied at various stages of the employee lifecycle to gain further insight into your most valued assets, your people.

Recruitment uses may include:

  • General Recruitment: Assessments can identify candidates who are a good fit from both a role responsibilities and requirements perspective, through to a team/cultural fit perspective, providing insight into a candidate’s energy, drive and leadership capabilities, interpersonal and communication styles and working & problem-solving approaches. Assessing candidate fit as part of your selection process, can significantly reduce turnover and fast track new employee engagement.
  • Recruitment for Specific Skillsets: Assessments can identify personality traits needed for specific roles, such as persistence, willingness to talk to new people, and resilience for salespeople or empathy and detail orientation for customer service roles. This can help identify candidates with the natural preference to excel in specific roles. There are also additional assessment tools of that can be utilised in combination with Psychometrics to further assess these preferences as capabilities.

Other employee lifecycle uses may include:

  • Individual Development: Employees can gain valuable insight into their own strengths, areas of development, and motivations, enabling them to have a deeper level of self-awareness to support them to make informed decisions about their career paths; whilst providing their employer with better insights into their employees' how to capitalise on their strengths; and how to most effectively address areas for growth, such as tailoring training programmes, the best approach for providing feedback, and what would empower individuals to excel in their roles.
  • Team Alignment and Development: Psychometrics can reveal a team's collective personality traits, communication styles, and preferred work approaches. This helps pinpoint areas for improvement and highlights complementary strengths within the team. Supporting the team to foster better collaboration and problem-solving and identify personal and team focused development plans and training investment opportunities. It also highlights gaps, that need to be deliberated covered by the team, or are a key requirement for a future hire.
  • Identifying Leadership Potential and Developing Effective Leaders: Psychometrics can assess an individual's leadership qualities, decision-making style, and motivational skills. This helps to identify employees with high leadership potential who can be nurtured, as well as identifying existing leaders strengths and areas for development to enable targeted leadership development programs.
  • Supporting Coaching Investments: Including psychometric personality assessments as part of a coaching programme can support individuals in better understanding how they present to others and identifying roadblocks as to why things are not always working for them, or areas that they may need to develop further to grow their skillset to see greater success in their roles or career growth. It also gives the Coach valuable information to adjust their questioning technique or other coaching techniques to the Coachee.
  • Supporting Change Readiness assessments: Using psychometric assessments during the planning stages of organisational change can offer employers vital insights into how team leaders and members feel about upcoming changes. These tools help gauge individuals' readiness to embrace new methods and participate in continuous improvement efforts. Importantly, they can pinpoint those who might not openly share their true feelings or reluctance to engage with new ideas. By identifying these tendencies early, employers can ask the right questions and tailor their support to those who might find adjustment challenging. Effective communication with all involved parties, from the onset through to the completion of change processes, becomes much more manageable with this understanding in hand.

Read Part 1 

Read Part 2 

Read Part 3 

Read Part 4 


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